Playing Venues

Pickleball Sessions

There are around 30 social play sessions every week hosted by Pickleball SA or one of our affiliates. Check the map below to see all the venues and click on any location to see details of location and playing times. Orange denotes PSA hosted playing sessions, Purple denotes Affiliated Clubs and Blue denotes Affiliated Venues.

For sessions run by Pickleball South Australia, please check our Calendar for the most up-to-date session times. Click on the individual calendar item for more information. For other sessions please check the club or venue website.

Below is a short list of the usual days and start times for all sessions run by Pickleball South Australia. For club playing sessions please contact the club for up to date information.


10am at John McVeity Centre, Smithfield Plains

10.30am at Mile End Netball Stadium


8.45am at The Lights Community and Sports Centre

12.30pm at Turramurra Recreation Centre (New players welcome once you've attended a beginners introduction session on Fridays)

6.30pm at Blair Athol Racquet Sports Hub (October - April)


9.00am at St Clair Recreation Centre

10.30am at Mile End Netball Stadium

10am at The Gardens Recreation Centre


9.45am at The Lights Community and Sports Centre


12.30pm at Turramurra Recreation Centre - includes Beginners Introduction Session

6:00pm at St Clair Recreation Centre




10am at Blair Athol Racquet Sports Hub (weather dependent - check contact details on event in Calendar) 

Playing Fees

New Players: The first session fee is $5. After this session, players have the choice to become members and pay the member price (this varies from $5 to $8 per session depending on the venue). or pay the non-members session fee (this varies from $10 to $13 per session depending on the venue).

We encourage all members and players to be fully Covid-19 vaccinated, including with booster vaccinations, before playing pickleball. 
